Coconut ONLY (Great Dog Shampoo Bar) All Natural
Coconut oil is great for many different reasons; It's naturally antibacterial and antifungal, coconut oil for skin is an excellent moisturizer, it can penetrate hair better than other oils. Our handmade 100% Coconut Oil is a hard bar, with lots of bubbles, rich lather, and long-lasting, it superfat at 28% to ensure you get a great conditioning bar. Not only is it good for you but GREAT for you Dog! Us it as a shampoo bar for them as well... drastically improves the condition of the skin in a natural and healthy way, without worrying about harsh chemicals it is antibacterial, anti-fungal a great shampoo bar due to healthy fats, vitamin E, vitamin K, MCTs and lauric acid properties in coconut. It effectively aids in fighting fungal and bacterial infections. Provides natural deodorant against microbe-causing odor, No color or Fragrance added safe for anyone to use. We Love Our Furry Boys just as much and want only the best for them as well.
Ingredients: Coconut Oil, Colloidal Oats, Vitamin E, Corn Silk, Water, Food Grade Sodium Hydroxide
All sales are FINAL please be sure to carfully read the ingredients section before purchasing any product to ensure that you are not alergic to any of the ingredients in our products.